Contributions to Books/Anthologies/Literary Journals 


“Surprise,” Prairie Fire 50 Over Fifty, forthcoming October 2024.

“cigarettes, My First Love: Collected Stories. Ed. Nina Lee Colwill. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Friesen Press, 2024,  177-181.

“safety song,” Prairie Fire, 44.4 (January 2024): 40-47.

“I am not Small.” Heavy Burdens, Eds. Judy Vresghy and Sam Abel. Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press, 2018, 79-93.’

“good mother.” Untying the Apron: Daughters Remember Mothers of the 50s. Ed. Lorri Neilson Glenn. Toronto: Guernica Editions, 2013, 171-74.

“The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon”: The Unexpected and Enduring Promise of My Mother’s Kitchen Teachings.” Mothers of Invention: How Our Mothers Influenced Us As Feminist Academics and Activists. Eds. Vanessa Reimer and Sarah Sahagian. Bradford, Ontario: Demeter, 2013. 127-38.

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